In 2023 it will be 30 years since the birth of this little well-traveled seal, the identity of Sea World for all these years until now.
It was born through the effort and passion for diving, established through hard work, for the protection of the environment and the safety of the scuba diver, it was created with the sole aim of professionalism and excellent service.
In 2023 this little seal grew up and is now the largest chain of diving centers in Greece, Sea World Scuba Diving Centers. With great joy and satisfaction, Sea World, in addition to the Thessaloniki and Sani Resort stores, welcomed two more diving centers into its family, Sea World Ikos Dassia Corfu and Sea World Ikos Aria Kos.
Petros Mimidas in Corfu and George Filios in Kos are now with us as an integral part of this family that is constantly expanding, ready and determined to face the great challenges ahead. We are proudly here and insist that our team at Sea World Scuba Diving Centers does what they always do. We face any circumstances with responsibility, positivity and optimism, loyally supporting our friends and fellow travelers on this journey.